I have now started to model my sketches on sketchup. They do not look exactly like my sketches but that is to be expected as you are modelling. The sections I have chosen to model for my final submission reflect the words "unstable" (for CJ Hendry's workshop) and "extraordinary"(for Gucci's workshop). The sketch is seen below,
The stair I chose to use for CJ Hendry's workshop is stair four. This stair works very well with my sketch as it continues the 'block' design which is clearly seen in the building's structure. This further portrays the instability and unrefined style in CJ's "New Playing Card Series"collection. The material choice of alternating white concrete and glass blocks further showcases the sharpness and edginess in CJ Hendry's work. Furthermore, these stairs start from a top level in the building and continue down until they reach the exhibition space on the ground, thus connecting the two spaces together.
Stair Sketch:
Stair model on SketchUp:
View of the stair that goes down from the top level and into the exhibition space on the ground.
View of the other stair which goes down from the top level and on the terrain.
I chose stair one to use for the Gucci workshop space due to its pristine and polished look. This stair clearly suits the workshop space I have designed and created due to its spiral style as it continues the 'circular' motion seen in the building's design. This refined stair reflects the elegance of the 'GG Loved velvet bag'. The material choice of this spiral stair is white concrete which gives it a graceful and polished look and thus portrays the sophistication of the Gucci brand. Furthermore, the stairs start from the bottom of the building at the bottom of the cliff and go up all the way to the top of the building and out a doorway and finally end at the exhibition space on the ground, thus connecting both spaces.
Stair Sketch:
Stair model on SketchUp:
View from far away, looking at the whole staircase.
View from outside the building and looking inside through the windows on an angle.